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India is proud of Col Sharma, others who laid down their lives to save civilians: Gen Naravane on Handwara encounter

NEW DELHI: Army Chief General MM Naravane on Monday said India is proud of Col Ashutosh Sharma, the Commanding Officer of 21 Rashtriya Rifles battalion, and four other security personnel who laid down their lives while saving civilians from terrorists at a village in Handwara in north Kashmir.

In a warning to Pakistan, Gen Naravane said the Indian Army will give “proportionate response” to all acts of terrorism and infringement of ceasefire violations.

“We lost five brave officers and jawans of Indian Army and Jammu and Kashmir Police while saving civilians from terrorists at a village in Handwara. I wish to convey my heartfelt condolences and gratitude to these valiant braves,” the Army Chief told PTI in an interview.

“The nation is proud of their actions especially of the Commanding Officer who led from the front and ensured that there were no civilian casualties or collateral damage during the entire operation,” he said.

Apart from Col Sharma, a decorated Army officer, the others who fell to the bullets of terrorists were Major Anuj Sood, Naik Rajesh, Lance Naik Dinesh and Sub-Inspector of Jammu and Kashmir Police Sageer Ahmad Pathan alias Qazi.

“I also take this opportunity to tell the families of our brave-hearts that, we, the entire Army fraternity, is immensely proud of their gallantry and assure you that we stand in solidarity with you during this extremely difficult time,” the Chief of the Army said.

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